Today on Marry Me Ink I get to share with you Devin & Taylor’s wedding from Lauren Hawkins Photography – I came across their wedding online and had to know more about it. From Devin’s red dress to their photos on the water – I love all of it (Plus.. How they met is amazing!)

We first saw each other through a window at the seal rescue clinic at Mystic Aquarium where we both worked at the time. We weren’t able to actually speak to each other due to sound proof glass; just smile and wave. So over the next few days we both hoped to run into each other at work but somewhere without quarantine walls and a window we could only communicate by charades. After a few days went by we ran into each other at a night event. Devin was working and I had a 10pm seal feed. In our awkward attempt at flirting, Devin offered dessert and I offered a baby seal.
The next time we met at the window I finally had the courage to give Taylor my number so I ran to the back gate to meet them there. However, when I got there Taylor beat me to it and nervously asked me if they could give me their number. Me, trying to play it cool but failing left the piece of paper with my name and number on it in my back pocket, completely going deer in the headlights. I was so excited I was grinning like an idiot and walked completely past the doors to get inside as staff were laughing at me.

After asking Devin out about 4 times our schedules finally matched up and she said yes. We missed the movie because I was nervous babbling the whole time and for some strange reason she found the entire thing to be endearing. The second time I was so nervous I burnt the popcorn and the pizza. She just laughed and said it wasn’t that bad. The third time the picnic I had planned got rained out so we had sandwiches in the living room and made flower crowns. I think our first few dates involved a lot of nervous chatting and very little food. But they were full of laughter and we wouldn’t change a thing.
On our next date I decided to surprise Taylor with a steam train adventure. I wouldn’t tell them where I was taking them just that we were going on an adventure. We missed our train by about 5 mins but luckily there happen to be a small carnival with animals and ice cream going on at the station. So we got ice cream and pet a zonkey while we waited on the next train. From there we hiked to a foot ferry which took us to Gillette Castle, where we went on a hike. The castle was previously owned by one of Taylor’s favorite authors Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes. We got a little lost hiking and I got soaked on the ferry ride back but it was one of my favorite adventures and I think that was the day I realized I was falling in love with Taylor.
Now we have our little family of us and our four legged fur babies. We eat sushi and pizza every chance we get and still go on adventures and get lost but as long as we’re together we always have fun. And we still have our flower crowns hanging in our living room. Our story might not be typical, but with us nothing is and that’s how we like it.

The entire theme and decor was something we put a lot of thought into. All of the books and nerdy references were a very good example of us. All of the table decor and centerpieces and hanging books we did DIY. We went and found old used books and antiques to use for the decor. It was kind of crazy actually how much we did!

Our photos with Lauren were so much fun! She got us so excited for the day and into it. Also when we got people out on the dance floor dancing to Lady Marmalade even convinced Lauren to break out a few moves while she also captured some really great shots on the dance floor! It was great! The bouquet toss was also pretty epic – it definitely hit my friend right in the face!

I told you Devin and Taylor’s story was epic! I absolutely love their book themed decor and table plans – Make sure you check them all out below! Thank you to them both and to Lauren Hawkins Photography for sharing their day with Marry Me Ink.