Category Archives: Personal

Thank You’s On A Thursday [UK Tattooed Bride Blog]

Good morning! 
It’s nearly been a year since Marry Me Ink was conjured up in August 2011 and I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to all those who have helped and been a part of the journey so far! It’s been a whirlwind of kick-ass weddings, engagements, inspirational shoots, beautiful tattooed brides and the launch of three regular posts! 

If you’re a new reader to the site – welcome! And for those who’ve stuck around – LOVE!! Here’s just a small compilation of my favourite happenings the past 10 months:

October 2011 – The first shoot emailed through from Shelly at Toast Of Leeds

November 2011 – Marry Me Ink hit Manchester! Copyright:  Studio 1208
(Full feature here

December 2011 – Red started her regular guest post for Marry Me Ink – Red Gets Wed

January 2012Golden Apple‘s birthday party. Rob HAD to be the one to smash the piñata open! Copyright: Ali Lovegrove Photography

February 2012ACCESSORIES AHOY! was launched!

March 2012 – One of my favourite and most gorgeous weddings to feature on the blog. Copyright: Nirav Photography
(Full feature here)
And of course, it was
All Wrapped Up Events‘ first WEDDING CARNIVAL!
AND! Marry Me Ink got a whole new look! 

April 2012 – I had the wonderful opportunity to chat and feature gorgeous pin up, tattooist and business woman Jessica Gahring AKA Ms Retro Dixie
Full feature here)

May 2012 – After much preparation, my first styled shoot went up on the blog. Copyright: Ali Lovegrove Photography
(Full feature here)
I also got to meet MANY wonderful girls in May during a trip to Nottingham!

June 2012Divine Without The Dollar and Tattoo Tuesday was launched!

As July isn’t over yet and I’m constantly getting lovely stuff yet to blog – it’s impossible for me to choose something from the past two weeks. (Although I did finally qualify as a pharmacy dispenser this month in my day job too!!) Again, a huge thank you for all your continuous support – I really do appreciate it. Of course there are many of you who I thank for sending in your wedding photos and photographers so email me their work – You I all love dearly!
There are a lot of exciting excursions planned and many more gorgeous features to come!.XX

Tattoo Tuesday: 26th June 2012 [Tattooed Bride Blog]

My “Mirror Of Erised”

Yes, That is me in a work uniform! I thought I would start a regular post to share your, as readers, tattoos on a Tuesday! I’ll start off my posting my favourite one on my 3/4 sleeve that I got in January of 2011 (The heart was from May 2010) by friend Laura at Legends Tattoo Studio in my town of Hindley.

For those who don’t know, I am a HUGE Harry Potter geek. Seriously.. Every Christmas/holiday get together, my cousins & I play the special edition of “Scene It?”. I know, we’re geeks. The Mirror Of Erised, for those who have never read/seen the series, is a mythical object. When you stand in front of it, shows the “deepest and most desperate desire of one’s heart.” (Hence why I had it tattooed around my heart).

It is said that on the mirror, reads the inscription: “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi” which when reversed and correctly spaced reads “I show not your face but your heart’s desire“.  The Mirror shows the greatest desire of the one looking into it upon its surface, often with them having achieved some goal or ambition. However, since each person is unique, only they can see it from their point of view.

You should watch The Philosopher’s Stone if you wish to see it in action! (*Note* The tattoo is just a representation of the mythical object, which is why it is oval rather than rectangular)

I would LOVE to hear your tattoo stories! Feel free to email them in to or using the Contact Me page at the top. I look forward to hearing your tattoo stories!

Tattoo Portraits & Vintage Makeovers with Alt.Studio Manchester [Tattooed Bridal and Wedding Blog]

Simon of Alt.Studio, Manchester had been uploading sneaky peeks of all the tattoo portraits and vintage makeovers on the studio’s Facebook page and I was just itching to feature them! It didn’t take much convincing when Simon asked me if I’d like to nip in one Saturday and get a feel of what it’s like to be photographed in the studio. I gave a big YES and one sunny Saturday I travelled to Manchester’s northern quarter with a suitcase of goodies – ready to meet Simon and  Nikki Armstrong of Make It Up.

(Did I mention that my hair colour for the shoot was a total accident the evening before?!! I kind of liked it. Therefore, the red is staying!)

Right around the corner from the awesome Afflecks Palace, Alt.Studio is so welcoming! Greeted by a huge hug off Simon and then chatting away with them both about which eras of Vintage we were going to get rolling with. I chose 50s as I took my fabulous Unique Vintage one piece and then we took off with a long silk dress from Thunder Egg for a glamorous trip back into the 20s.

I am SO pleased with how the images turned out – I seriously cannot recommend Simon and the rest of the team enough! The day was SO MUCH FUN! And I would totally recommend it! An afternoon of fun!

For a limited time only, Simon is offering the vintage makeover shoots for FREE. Yes, FREE! Be sure to head on over & “Like” Alt.Studio Facebook page and message the page for more details, quoting “Marry Me Ink”.

Below are more images from various other vintage makeovers and tattoo portraits that Simon has photographed recently. Take a look through and do leave Simon and the other lovely faces some love!

Red Gets Wed II – Guest Post [Tattoo Bride Blog]

Eeeek! I’ve been wanting to share Part Deux with you for ages!!
Even before I was sent the text to support her tattoo.. I wanted to share the start to Red’s tattoo as soon as she sneak peeked me an image!

So on this wonderful Thursday afternoon, I’m going to hand you straight over to the lady herself.. Here the tale continues..

Every tat has a tale to tell. Skin can double-up as a birth or death register, provide storage space for a special memory or offer a canvas for that grand gesture. My latest addition definitely falls into the latter, but instead of wearing my heart on my sleeve it’s well and truly etched across my back! As you may remember from my very first guest post on Marry Me Ink last December, I was the girl blethering about my plans to physically narrate a very special time in my life with a wedding tattoo! So, the marvellous Rachael kindly invited me back to spill the ink on my latest session with the needle…

After three months of eager anticipation (and frantic saving) my three hour appointment in the chair with Captain Kev Younger of Lucky Cat Tattoo Parlour happened one drizzly Saturday afternoon in February. Stepping foot into the decadent parlour was like hitching a lift with Bill and Ted in their excellent phone booth, landing somewhere between the renaissance and early twentieth century Japan, all with a touch of Parisian opulence thrown in for good measure! Confused? Let’s just say the decor was more than a little impressive. Greeted by a collection of Maneki Neko’s (or ‘Lucky Cats’) beckoning me with their friendly little paws as I entered the grand reception area, the adrenaline and excitement really kicked in, stimulated further by the luxurious red colour adorning the walls.

After the necessary form-filling was finished and en route to where the magic happened I rubbed the big-bellied Buddha at the door for luck and wished with every bone in my body that this wouldn’t be sorer than any other time I’d been drawn on.

I’d only seen parts of my design over email so wasn’t really sure how my ideas had transpired on paper, but straight away Kev suggested he transfer them onto my skin to see how the pieces would fit together. Half an hour later and the result literally took my breath away! Not only did I love it, but he’d somehow managed to take my confused and rambling explanation of what I wanted (which went something like this: “errrmmmm, I’d like it to be feminine, and have lace and birds, and be feminine…and, errrmmmm….”) and design something more perfect than I ever thought was possible from my garbled imagination.

Not to be overly sycophantic here, but Kev epitomises the definition of ‘cool’. His eclectically dapper exterior lets you know he takes what he does very seriously, but it’s certainly not a case of style over substance. An old school gentleman at the core, he was once described in a newspaper article on tattoos as ‘quiet and intense’…mesmerizingly mellow, I’d go as far to say. His gentle voice and calming eyes makes you feel that you’re in a safe place as his customer – something that’s so important when putting your precious skin in hands holding a very scary needle!

And knowing his hands house the actual digits that tattoo Scotland’s most talented (and hottest) music export, Simon Neil, was almost too much for this humungous Biffy fan to handle (*swoon*)! Which better fine line artist to etch my favourite lyrics (“Nothing lasts forever, except you and me” Mountains, by Biffy Clyro) onto my back? I just about managed to contain myself. Well, except the part where I nearly weed at seeing Simon’s signature sprawled on the wall after his last visit only a fortnight previous…

Being the world’s biggest wuss, I brought along my lovely friend Caz to distract me from the buzz and the burn, and she more than lived up to her duties. Two and a half hours, a lot of random banter (and delirious chatterings in my pained state), and a fairly numb arse later, I had the bulk of the prettiest tattoo I ever did see, done!

Was it sore? F*ck yes! But was it worth it? F*CK YES! I’ve got another two hour sesh booked in for the beginning of April (he’s a man in demand) and I can’t bloody wait to get this bad boy shaded.

The beauty below is my attempt at signifying the immeasurable and all-consuming love I have for the remarkable man I plan to marry in six months time.


In our eight years together he’s already done more than most in the better and worse, richer (less of this bit) and poorer, sickness and health, times. No amount of ink could show him how insanely thankful I am to be in his life.

Love you to Jupiter and back beb.

So, what’s the story behind your own little piece of uniqueness, I’m literally itching (well, my back is!) to know? 🙂

Red xo