Category Archives: Tattoo Tuesday

TATTOO TUESDAY 12th November 2013

Tattoo Tuesday is back now we’re (sort of) settled in the house! However, I am still currently facing issues with my trusty desktop, so I’m having to use other means of posting blogs as and when I can. Hopefully this will be rectified soon and there’ll be many more posts for you to feast your eyes on! 

This week’s edition of Tattoo Tuesday features a favourite artist of mine Rachel Baldwin. (You may remember her amazing Vegas wedding) This piece is full of my favourite colours!


Rachel and her husband Nick have recently opened up their own studio in Liverpool called Bold As Brass Tattoo Company, be sure to go follow them on Facebook and Instagram for more awesome tattoos!

Tattoo Tuesday – 17th September 2013

4 Leon&JessicaWedding-48Copyright Christine Lim

You may remember the gorgeous Jess and Leon from earlier last month? Well today, I get to share with you their gorgeous tattoos based on their wedding cake topper..

Cake Topper

The tattoo artist is Nathan at Holdfast Tattoo (@nathanholdfast) – At our wedding Leon and I had a cake topper that was a moose man & a bunny lady, I LOVED it so much that after the wedding I got ink of Leon the Moose Man in a replica of his wedding outfit and me as the Bunny Lady in my dress and head piece. Leon is also holding the key to my heart!


How ace are their tattoos! Be sure to email over your wedding and couple tattoos to for a chance to feature in a future edition of Tattoo Tuesday! Or, you can just tag @marrymeink on Instagram!

TATTOO TUESDAY – 10th September 2013

It’s that time of week again!

Today I get to  share with you a gorgeous tattoo from a fab tattooist who is a fellow Northerner! Ash Corner is based at Legends Tattoo Studio, where his work is getting more awesome with each tattoo.. LOOK!
1116198_10152141078453989_2030367973_oBe sure to leave Ash some love and go follow @ash_corner and @Legendstattoo on Instagram and check out more of their awesome tattoos! Don’t forget you can tag @MarryMeInk on Instagram also on your tattoo pics for a chance to be featured in an upcoming Tattoo Tuesday!

TATTOO TUESDAY – 3rd September 2013

This week’s edition of Tattoo Tuesday features the fab work of Nic at Songbird Tattoo Studio in Honiton.1273946_363440220426356_1136431300_oI do love nesting doll tattoos but this is just gorgeous with the elephant. Be sure to follow their latest inkings on Facebook and on Instagram!