Category Archives: Tattoo Tuesday

TATTOO TUESDAY – 25th June 2013

Today I get to feature a really girly and cutesy piece of work from the fabulous Becca of Jayne Doe in Essex.


I really do love animal portraits! You can check out more of Becca’s awesome work on her Instagram @s6girl.

Don’t forget to tag your images and work with @MarryMeInk and #TattooTuesday on you Instagram posts for a chance to be featured in upcoming weeks!

Tattoo Tuesday – 18th June 2013

Today’s marvellous inking comes from the super talented Kim who works at Salon Serpent in Amsterdam. Check out this beauty Kim finished recently:


You can follow more of Kim’s work on her Instagram @kimanh_n and see more of her ace work there!

Don’t forget..


Get posting your pictures!

Tattoo Tuesday – 21st May 2013

Tattoo Tuesday is all about showcasing amazing tattoo work by some amazing artists I come across on the web every day.

This week’s favourite is this gorgeous piece from Jamie Donnelly from Skinworks in Belfast. I currently love animal portraits!

JamieDonnellyTattoosYou can see more of Jamie Donnelly’s work on his Instagram.

If you’d like your work featuring for a future Tattoo Tuesday post, either email or tag @marrymeink on Instagram!

Tattoo Tuesday – 14th May 2013


Seriously, I have younger siblings that I “take to the cinema” whenever there’s a new release. My favourite and slightly newer Disney feature is Tangled. Seriously – Who knew a horse could BE SO FUNNY?!! 

Today, I get to share with you a piece of artwork from Dea Vectorink who works at Demon Art Tattoo. What I love about Dea is that all her tattoos are unique. This is certainly one of my favourites:

2013-05-09_0082Ah! A tattoo punk version of Rapunzel and Pascal – I LOVE IT!

Fancy seeing you work/tattoo on a future Tattoo Tuesday? Email in your submission to with the subject “Tattoo Tuesday”.