July is an exciting edition for Swamps as the date of her & Matt’s wedding is getting closer! Swamps has has some more of her tattoo sleeve extended and is sharing it with you all today. Seriously, it’s super cool! I’ll let her tell you all about it.
Hello fellow bride folk. I hope that you have had a super lovely June. The sunshine is finally here and I am feeling like the wedding will be here before I know it. Scarily, after this blog I only have one more month before the wedding will actually be upon us – eeeeek! It is exactly 9 weeks until D-Day. Everything is coming together and its just finishing touches now.
I must admit that throughout my whole blogging ‘experience’ as much as I have L.O.V.E.D sharing my wedding experience with you lot (and at times it has helped keep me sane) I have felt like a bit of a fraud. Being your resident ‘tattooed bride’ and all I feel like my posts have been lacking slightly on the tattooed front. It is like when you look at suicide girls and there’s some half naked chic (she’s probs fully naked but let’s not be vulgar haha) on their website and there isn’t a single strand of multicoloured hair, and shaved head or tattoo in sight! Ok, ok, it’s not quite that bad as I do have tattoos so I guess I’m not a complete impostor, but never the less some of you may be thinking “This chic isn’t really living up to her title here”. Well wait no more. This month I finally took the plunge again. To say I have had a bit of a tattoo draught would be an understatement. Tattoos certainly aren’t cheap and when you have to pay for your venue and registrar and all of the other ‘relatively’ important wedding elements, getting another tattoo end’s up taking a bit of a back seat. Now we are into double figures on my wedding countdown app – yes I am that person that annoyingly posts her countdown on her Instagram every month – soz! I decided that actually if I don’t want to look like a half finished drawing then I should probs just pull my finger out and book in and get some more work done. So alas my June has been very, erm, painful shall we say.
I get tattooed by two separate guys, also both called Matt. I think I must have an attraction to all males called Matt. I blame my brother, also named Matt; he must have been good to me when I was a kid. Let’s not introduce another Matt into the situation though as I fear 4 Matt’s may get a little confusing. So for the purposes of less confusion to your wedding filled heads I shall refer to them by Surname and in one case nickname.
So the first guy I get tattooed by is called Webb. Coincidentally I went to school with Webb, back in the day. I say back in the day – it really wasn’t that long ago! Oh wait, it was 7 years ago when I left school. Cripes I don’t want to think about that too much. God knows what I have done in the last 7 years it all seems a bit of a blur.
So anyway, when we were in high school me and Webb had a little to do with each other but we weren’t best pals or anything. To be fair in the politics of being at school we filtered more in the ‘GREEB’ category so we know each other by way of association I guess. Now, all of the people who though we were ‘greebs’ are actually now also covered in tattoos – such is life! Webb is an absolutely fantastic tattoo artist.

You can find more of his work here. He owns his own studio 72 Street Tattoo. The fantastic thing about Webb, besides his talent is that he is local to me. I don’t know if any of your have ever had the fortunate experience of visiting my hometown of Stoke on Trent, but it isn’t the most diverse of cities and so it is a little limited on good tattoo artists. Webb’s style would described more as traditional and he has done some absolutely incredible pieces. His work tends to use lots of bright colours and look really vibrant. The piece of the left is one that he has done recently and I think I am a little bit in love with it. I love the bright colours and the little teapot.
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