Today I get to introduce you to Brett & Mina. An awesome couple getting married in November and have the awesome Dan Hough Photography there to capture it all!

I first met Brett at a festival in Florida – in October 2010. This is a little bit of a contentious issue as we met through a group of his friends who had travelled from Cleveland, Ohio – who I all became great friends with, apart from him! We loosely kept in touch over the next few years, got to know each other better when I returned to the same festival in 2013, sang along to our favourite bands together and had a great time.

The subsequent intermittent and conservative conservation continued until the summer of 2014, when we spoke of returning for the same thing that year – I had already planned to fly to New York for 5 days beforehand, then down the country to Florida to meet him, as well as my other Cleveland friends. A few weeks beforehand, Brett changed his flights to join me in NYC – I often joke our first date was actually a two week holiday! Despite the risks I knew it was the right thing to do, and I’ve never once regretted that decision. After this we navigated the time difference and distance with late night FaceTime conversations and messages, then Brett finally booked flights before Christmas to join me here for three months from March, which have been perfect – we’ve travelled to Ireland, Belgium, and all around the UK (I even satisfied Brett’s inexplicable desire to visit Stonehenge) and back to his hometown of Cleveland, OH, just last week.
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