Today I get to share with you this amazing outdoor engagement shoot of Morgan and Max from the wonderful Love & Perry Photography

I love everything about this shoot, the feel of the relaxing day, the colours of Autumn, Morgan’s awesome tattoos and so much more! The story of how Morgan and Max met each other is great..

It was graduation weekend at UMass Amherst, where I am currently attending for my master’s degree. That Friday night a few friends and I decided to go out to a bar that we frequent called McMurphy’s. While standing there amidst conversation I noticed two guys looking at me from across the bar. Out of curiosity, I approached them. They introduced themselves as Max and Nick and said they were brothers. We had a few drinks, some interesting conversation; they complemented me on my tattoos, by this time the bar was getting ready to close so we finished our drinks and made our way to the door. Upon leaving the bar Max made a comment to me about how he really liked how strong and confident I was and that he hoped he could see me again.
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