Today I get to share with you Katie and Oli’s engagement shoot, who have the cutest proposal story ever by the way, from the super awesome Dan Hough Photography, one of my favourite Manchester based wedding photographers.

Well, we definitely don’t have a love at first sight story.. I’ve known Oli since i was 16 when I worked as a waitress at a local bar and restaurant and he was training to be a manager. He’s always made me laugh but I’d never looked at him in any other way than a friend until about 7 years later. Oli went to Australia for a few years and when he came back in 2010, we had the same group of friends so we spent a lot of time together hanging out and then, as they say, the rest is history.

All of our friends had already called it between us and not one person was surprised when we got together. I think they all saw the spark before we realised it.

Oli proposed on Christmas Day 2012. He told me he used to play this game when he was younger with his sister at Christmas where they would blind fold each other and have to guess the presents that were being passed to them. So that happened to me, I was handed presents with clues and then had to guess what each one was. The final present was silence and I couldn’t feel anything, so I took my blindfold off and there he was on one knee with this beautiful ring and on our chalk board next to him read ‘fancy spending your life with me’ and that was that! The best Christmas Day of my life! We still have that chalk board with those exact words on. It turns out he never use to play that game with his sister and it was just a way of blindfolding me so I didn’t think he was being weird!

I cant say that tattoos have affected choosing my dress as I only have a tiny circle behind my ear that I will admit I had done a little bit tipsy at a festival. I was having such an amazing day with my friends so I wanted us all to get ‘the circle of trust’. 5 of us did on the day and now I think nine of us in total have it somewhere on our bodies, including Oli.

I guess that would mean we have matching tattoos, but they were done when we were just friends. Tattoos wouldn’t have affected how I chose my dress as they are there for a reason – why wouldn’t you show them off. I do have a bridesmaid who is covered in them and her dress will be showing all.
One of Oli’s friends who is a tattoo artist drew us an engagement picture and a couple of months later, Oli got it tattooed on his forearm. That’s a very special one to me.
How cute are Katie and Oli? I do love their engagement story. Thank you to them both and to Daniel Hough Photography for sharing with Marry Me Ink today. Be sure to leave them some love!