How beautiful is tattooed bride Amanda?

Our tale is like Romeo and Juliet, we were working for rival alternative bars in Glasgow City Centre.
We went on out our first date a couple of days later, and we became inseparable but we decided to keep it a secret from our friends.
One evening in the Cathouse we were caught out by our friend Shel who screamed ‘ WHHHAATTTT?’ then ran away to get everyone else. I was surprised how quick they all came round the corner to find us holding hands and a wee bit blushed. However, they were all really happy for us, which was nice.

The highlight of our wedding day for me and the only time that I got nervous was when the doors opened at the registry office (Park Circus) for me to walk down the aisle with my dad by my side. Katrianne and my cousins daughter Mali-Vee in front and two of my bestest friends that I could not live without, Maggie and Gemma behind me. It was lovely to have everyone that I love and that are closest to us both in the seats in the registry office.
David’s highlight of the wedding day was when we were going about in the wedding car (Chevrolet Bel Air 1962) and having everyone looking at us when we were in it.