Tag Archives: Tattoo Parlour

Honeymoon Tattoos – Laura & Tom

Good afternoon! I hope you’ve had a splendid weekend? I certainly did at the Wedding Carnival, but that’s for another day!
Today I have a fabulous pair of honeymoon tattoos on such a wonderful couple!
You may notice Laura as Mrs Lou Pops or even the Bonfire Night Bride. Yep – They were married on bonfire night! How awesome?!! You can read more about the wedding over on Bonfire Night Bride, but I’m going to hand straight over to Laura now to talk about the tattoos she & Tom got whilst on their honeymoon!
“Tom and I were married on November 5th 2011 at the stunning Danby Castle in North Yorkshire and we honeymooned on the Queen Mary 2 spending a week in luxury, crossing the Atlantic from Southampton to New York. We then spent five days in New York living it up at the Soho Grand and two days in Boston at the Nine Zero hotel on Boston Common. My husband and I are both BIG tattoo fans, mainly brightly coloured traditional style but we appreciate all good work. Saying that, I do also have some pretty crap tattoos too but we all make mistakes! We went travelling in 2009 and both had tattoos in San Francisco as a reminder of our amazing time away so we decided that from then on, any big holiday we have we’ll get a new tattoo and what trip away is bigger than your honeymoon?! 
We both adore the work of Valerie Vargas, based at London’s Frith Street Tattoos and so we used the links on her website to find an NYC based artist. If she’s a fan then that artist is good enough for us! We soon came across Sarah Schor at King’s Avenue Tattoo, a shop owned by the mind blowing Mike Rubendall, and we didn’t look any further. Her style is exactly what we love. We emailed the shop and they really couldn’t have been any friendlier and more helpful. We carried out all of our consultations via email and when the time came for our appointments what Sarah had drawn up for us was perfect! 

We both wanted something to resemble our wedding day so as it was a Bonfire Night wedding we both went for the phrase “remember remember” as a nod towards the 5th November. The book and inkpot on my tattoo resemble the wedding register. I wanted something brightly coloured somewhere only my husband would see it and as I have nice hefty legs, my right thigh was the perfect canvas for it!

Tom had a Statue of Liberty with blue eyes as my ‘baby blues’ as he calls them, are his favourite part of me!”


Aren’t they amazing tattoos? Leave Laura & Tom some love and be sure to swing by the Bonfire Night Bride site and read Laura’s updates! They’re fabulous!

Red Gets Wed II – Guest Post [Tattoo Bride Blog]

Eeeek! I’ve been wanting to share Part Deux with you for ages!!
Even before I was sent the text to support her tattoo.. I wanted to share the start to Red’s tattoo as soon as she sneak peeked me an image!

So on this wonderful Thursday afternoon, I’m going to hand you straight over to the lady herself.. Here the tale continues..

Every tat has a tale to tell. Skin can double-up as a birth or death register, provide storage space for a special memory or offer a canvas for that grand gesture. My latest addition definitely falls into the latter, but instead of wearing my heart on my sleeve it’s well and truly etched across my back! As you may remember from my very first guest post on Marry Me Ink last December, I was the girl blethering about my plans to physically narrate a very special time in my life with a wedding tattoo! So, the marvellous Rachael kindly invited me back to spill the ink on my latest session with the needle…

After three months of eager anticipation (and frantic saving) my three hour appointment in the chair with Captain Kev Younger of Lucky Cat Tattoo Parlour happened one drizzly Saturday afternoon in February. Stepping foot into the decadent parlour was like hitching a lift with Bill and Ted in their excellent phone booth, landing somewhere between the renaissance and early twentieth century Japan, all with a touch of Parisian opulence thrown in for good measure! Confused? Let’s just say the decor was more than a little impressive. Greeted by a collection of Maneki Neko’s (or ‘Lucky Cats’) beckoning me with their friendly little paws as I entered the grand reception area, the adrenaline and excitement really kicked in, stimulated further by the luxurious red colour adorning the walls.

After the necessary form-filling was finished and en route to where the magic happened I rubbed the big-bellied Buddha at the door for luck and wished with every bone in my body that this wouldn’t be sorer than any other time I’d been drawn on.

I’d only seen parts of my design over email so wasn’t really sure how my ideas had transpired on paper, but straight away Kev suggested he transfer them onto my skin to see how the pieces would fit together. Half an hour later and the result literally took my breath away! Not only did I love it, but he’d somehow managed to take my confused and rambling explanation of what I wanted (which went something like this: “errrmmmm, I’d like it to be feminine, and have lace and birds, and be feminine…and, errrmmmm….”) and design something more perfect than I ever thought was possible from my garbled imagination.

Not to be overly sycophantic here, but Kev epitomises the definition of ‘cool’. His eclectically dapper exterior lets you know he takes what he does very seriously, but it’s certainly not a case of style over substance. An old school gentleman at the core, he was once described in a newspaper article on tattoos as ‘quiet and intense’…mesmerizingly mellow, I’d go as far to say. His gentle voice and calming eyes makes you feel that you’re in a safe place as his customer – something that’s so important when putting your precious skin in hands holding a very scary needle!

And knowing his hands house the actual digits that tattoo Scotland’s most talented (and hottest) music export, Simon Neil, was almost too much for this humungous Biffy fan to handle (*swoon*)! Which better fine line artist to etch my favourite lyrics (“Nothing lasts forever, except you and me” Mountains, by Biffy Clyro) onto my back? I just about managed to contain myself. Well, except the part where I nearly weed at seeing Simon’s signature sprawled on the wall after his last visit only a fortnight previous…

Being the world’s biggest wuss, I brought along my lovely friend Caz to distract me from the buzz and the burn, and she more than lived up to her duties. Two and a half hours, a lot of random banter (and delirious chatterings in my pained state), and a fairly numb arse later, I had the bulk of the prettiest tattoo I ever did see, done!

Was it sore? F*ck yes! But was it worth it? F*CK YES! I’ve got another two hour sesh booked in for the beginning of April (he’s a man in demand) and I can’t bloody wait to get this bad boy shaded.

The beauty below is my attempt at signifying the immeasurable and all-consuming love I have for the remarkable man I plan to marry in six months time.


In our eight years together he’s already done more than most in the better and worse, richer (less of this bit) and poorer, sickness and health, times. No amount of ink could show him how insanely thankful I am to be in his life.

Love you to Jupiter and back beb.

So, what’s the story behind your own little piece of uniqueness, I’m literally itching (well, my back is!) to know? 🙂

Red xo




Marry Me Ink Competition Time!

Hello wonderful people! Today I bring exciting news!! This week Marry Me Ink has smashed some targets and as a celebration, I will be doing a PRIZE GIVE AWAY!!

That’s right! All together, there are FIVE prizes, therefore creating five lucky winners! Oh boy am I excited to share these prizes with you!

I want to thank all the lovely ladies for letting me gift my readers with such freakin’ awesome prizes!





Prize ONE

The Alternative Wedding Fair
have kindly donated a pair of tickets to one their upcoming events in either London or Manchester, depending on where you are based and where you are willing to travel to.
I visited the last one in St Ives and it was fabulous. It was so much fun and I got to meet some fabulous suppliers! 

Prize TWO

ONE gorgeous hair clip hand made by Kylie of Funky I Do wedding blog. In lovely red and green colours – PERFECT for the festivities of the season and would also be perfect heading up to Valentine’s Day!! 


You see THAT hair bow head band that Anissa Lee hand crafted for the Marry Me Ink – Tattooed Bride photo shoot in Afflecks Palace?!! WELL – She is donating it for one of the prizes.. Seriously – Anissa work is all hand crafted from paper and card – she did a fantastic job of making this for the shoot.. I really wanted to keep it!!

Prize FOUR

An absolutely STUNNING alternative arrangement from Alternative Boukay. The create bouquets from fabrics, beadings and shells – the picture above being from their “Summer Breeze” collection. This prize would be greatly suited for the bride wanting that extra unique touch on their special day. (T&C’s – Wedding must be at LEAST 8-10 weeks away, limited use of platinum features are included in the prize. Shells are the only materials excluded in the prize give away. Winner must contact Alternative Boukay to claim prizewithin ONE WEEK of winning.)

Prize FIVE

OKAY! So you’re wondering what the last prize is?!! Ahhh! I’m so excited to be giving this away!!
Nic of Songbird Tattoo Studio has been SO generous to donate this prize for the give away.. Are you ready?!!

Nic has donated a voucher equal to the cost of ONE HOUR’S worth of inking!! YES – A FREE TATTOO!
Nic and her husband Mike had their wedding featured on the site when it first launched and it’s been great to have them involved again at such an exciting time! You can see examples of Nic’s work here & and all over Mike’s arms on their wedding photos I posted. Below are the terms and conditions of the tattoo prize.. 

Woo! I think that ALL of these prizes are worth grabbing and I can’t thank the suppliers enough for their generosity!
If only I could keep them all to myself!!

Any how – here are the details on how to enter for a chance to win one of these prizes (Yes 5 separate draws for each separate prize!)

1. Send an email to marrymeink@gmail.com
2. In the subject line, state “December Give Away”  and add which prize(s) you would like to be entered into for winning.. For example: “Prizes ONE, TWO, FOUR” Or “ALL PRIZES” if you would like the chance to win ONE OF ALL FIVE.
3. In the email – state you full name.
4. HIT SEND!!!!
5. Competition will close FRIDAY 23rd DECEMBER and winners will be selected at random and then notified by myself by SATURDAY 24th DECEMBER 6pm.

It really is that simple! 


Good luck to you all! – Rach.XX

Liam & Fiona’s Inky Bicycle Engagement [Tattooed Bride Blog]

Look what arrived in my inbox! From Laura Babb of this cute picnic wedding complete with bicycles & a trip to a tattoo studio, I couldn’t WAIT to share these images with you!

Liam’s story:

“Fiona and I have been together for about a year and a half, and in January this year we decided that we would like to get married. I say “we decided” as before meeting each other marriage really wasn’t on the cards or in the thoughts of either of us.

The decision to get married was the easy bit… I then had to plan and pull off the proposal. Funny way round of doing things I know but I really wanted to ask Fiona to marry me properly. I decided to cook Beef Wellington, the dish I cooked on our first proper date as she had mentioned it was her favourite.

Date night was on, the Wellington was in the oven, the wine was on the table, all was going well. Trying not to show I was feeling a little nervous as I had never asked anyone such a big question before, I served dinner. We had just started eating I had moved the vintage family ring from my pocket into my hand then some words from Fiona that I really didn’t want to hear “If you’re not going to propose tonight you’re going to find it hard to top this”.

Well that certainly took the element of surprise out of the evening. I tried to regain some composure, managed to get down onto one knee before the tears started “Will you make me happy for the rest of my life? Fiona will you marry me?” then the best word said with tears running down her face “Yes”.

We decided to have a pre and post wedding shoot as Laura Babb, the photographer we wanted to work with, was unable to make it up to Grimsby for our wedding.”


From sipping the champagne & eating berries in Brockwell park on a Sunday morning to pushing bicycles & eating cake, Laura captured Liam and Fiona in such a fabulous way! Fiona went and celebrated their engagement by getting a tattoo.. (which Laura also snapped some pictures of!)

Look through the shots to see Fiona’s lovely engagement tattoo & Liam’s epic Frank Turner tee!

Do leave some wonderful comments for Laura and the fantastic couple!
