Tag Archives: tattoo

A Vegas Wedding With Elvis! Emma & Wayne [Tattooed Bride Blog]

Why yes Sir it is.. ELVIS!!! When Emma contacted me about their Vegas wedding, I was greatly excited.. THEN she told me that Elvis officiated the ceremony.. I squealed! 
Emma has been a devoted reader to Marry Me Ink and I’m so pleased that I get to feature her fabulous Vegas wedding on Marry Me Ink today! I’m just going to hand straight over to Emma!

We met because I actually dated one of my husband’s friends!  It was only a month-long, not serious relationship, but I was wary of dating Wayne because I thought it would be weird and inappropriate.   He chased me around and persistently asking me out for over a month before I finally said yes.  We went and saw Turbo Negro for our first date! 

We were engaged for just 4 months!  I received a beautiful diamond cluster ring on Christmas Eve and we were married at the beginning of April. 
We were going to Vegas with some friends for the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly weekend and as we didn’t want a huge wedding or a big fuss,Vegas seemed ideal. 
Plus we are both Elvis fans and were really excited at the idea of an Elvis wedding.


Our ‘Elvis’was brilliant- he did an amazing job! We wanted to spend our wedding day alone together. After the ceremony, we went back to Treasure Island (where we were staying) , splurged on a HUGE expensive dinner, then bought matching pirate pyjamas from the gift shop and spent our first night as Mr & Mrs wearing them, eating amazing chocolate room service cake!

This time I wanted to do things properly, to have a white dress and something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. I looked at probably a hundred dresses before realising I would never find exactly what I wanted, before my amazing friend Suzanne of Suzee666 Fashions stepped in and saved the day!  She custom-made an amazing dress from scratch, loosely inspired by a Deadly Dames one I’d seen online.

I couldn’t find shoes over here that were exactly right either so I ended up getting my best friend in the UK pick some up for me!  I had a brief vacation there right before the Wedding to collect them and also got to shop for Wedding undies and a wrap there with my Mummy, who I hadn’t seen for 3 years!

My girlfriends and I had a craft night to make my hair fascinator (the base of which was actually a bargain bin flower from Claire’s Accessories!) but sadly we are mostly all very untalented and ended up mostly gluing ourselves together and eating cake.  Fortunately I have one friend who is gifted in such areas- she has an adorable Etsy Shop Everybody’s Darling and custom makes hair pieces from vintage & reclaimed materials.  She  created a beautiful fascinator for me while the rest of us giggled and fired the glue gun at each other.  It was wonderful to have so many people I love be so involved in my outfit.

My OLD was a vintage rose coral necklace which my Aunt passed along to me when I was born.
New was my amazing dress and Dorothy shoes 😉
Borrowed: A gorgeous coral rose pin that my grandmother gave to my mother, who kindly lent it to me.
Blue: A pretty little faux pearl bracelet with blue skulls I found on etsy.  My sheer chance also, the Viva Las Vegas entry wristband (which I couldn’t take off as we were going back there after the wedding) was also blue!

My son is named Braeden, hence the large tattoo on my upper arm.  I also have his birthday tattooed on my upper knuckles and ‘Bumbafast’ (which is a word he made up when he was 2 but wouldn’t tell anybody what it meant!) on my right foot.  I have my mother’s name in the ditch of one arm and my father’s in the other. The compass on the back of my hand points SW with a tiny 17- SW17 is the postal code for the part of London I grew up in. Oh, and I have tattoos of my two favourite movies- Beetle Juice & Little Shop of Horrors

As for couple/wedding tattoos, I just had my first sitting for one last week!  Zombie versions of Elvis, my hubby and I from one of our wedding photos with an archway of red roses (which were my wedding flowers).

Aren’t they AMAZING! I do love a Vegas wedding! Do leave the lovely couple some love – Emma and Wayne are a great couple! (Photos were taken by family, themselves and the chapel photographer.)

Tattoo Tuesday: 26th June 2012 [Tattooed Bride Blog]

My “Mirror Of Erised”

Yes, That is me in a work uniform! I thought I would start a regular post to share your, as readers, tattoos on a Tuesday! I’ll start off my posting my favourite one on my 3/4 sleeve that I got in January of 2011 (The heart was from May 2010) by friend Laura at Legends Tattoo Studio in my town of Hindley.

For those who don’t know, I am a HUGE Harry Potter geek. Seriously.. Every Christmas/holiday get together, my cousins & I play the special edition of “Scene It?”. I know, we’re geeks. The Mirror Of Erised, for those who have never read/seen the series, is a mythical object. When you stand in front of it, shows the “deepest and most desperate desire of one’s heart.” (Hence why I had it tattooed around my heart).

It is said that on the mirror, reads the inscription: “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi” which when reversed and correctly spaced reads “I show not your face but your heart’s desire“.  The Mirror shows the greatest desire of the one looking into it upon its surface, often with them having achieved some goal or ambition. However, since each person is unique, only they can see it from their point of view.

You should watch The Philosopher’s Stone if you wish to see it in action! (*Note* The tattoo is just a representation of the mythical object, which is why it is oval rather than rectangular)

I would LOVE to hear your tattoo stories! Feel free to email them in to marrymeink@gmail.com or using the Contact Me page at the top. I look forward to hearing your tattoo stories!

A Nashville Engagement: Matt and Dana [Tattooed Bride Blog]

Good morning! I hope you enjoyed your weekends?! I for one purchased the most cutest shorts for our holiday to Spain later this year whilst we were shopping for Rob’s suit for a wedding we’re attending next week. Oh, and we ate too much YO! Sushi on their “Super! Sumo! Sundays!” (It was Rob’s first time!)

Anyway.. This week, I bring you the most gorgeous Dana and Matt – photographed by the equally as beautiful Stephanie of La Photographie Nashville.

Aren’t they beautiful together?!! Here’s Dana’s story of how they met and how Matt proposed..

I moved to Nashville not knowing a soul. I randomly met a girl at a bar and she took me to a house party. Matt was at the party and he slyly gave me his phone number. The next day I texted him and he took me salsa dancing. Going to bars by myself and going to house parties with strangers are typically things I would never do, but the one time I did, I met my husband and it changed my life in the most amazing way.

Matt came home from work one evening and asked me if I wanted to go for a walk through the neighborhood. I should have immediately realized at that moment something was up, because voluntary exercise is unusual for him. We walked to a nearby pond where we sat and talked for a moment. I unfortunately ruined the moment unknowingly because a bat began circling overhead. I begged Matt to leave and he obliged.

We continued to walk around the neighborhood and he asked to sit down again. As we sat on a boulder Matt popped the question. It took me completely by surprise!

I love the spot where he proposed because I drive by the area everyday

Aren’t they the cutest?! Leave them some love and be sure to head back next Monday for their beautiful wedding. (It truly is beautiful – you won’t want to miss it!)

Accessories Ahoy! Friday 22nd June: Bubblegum Vegas [Tattooed Bride Blog]

Hello again! Welcome to today’s edition of Accessories Ahoy on Marry Me Ink! This edition come with gorgeous girlies and cute as a button poodles! Oodles of poodles!

It is my pleasure to introduce to you, the gorgeous work of Bubblegum Vegas – “Tattoo inspired jewellery & pin up accessories for kooky cuties & Rockabilly dollies”

The shoot was photographed by Paul De’ath and featured two of my favourite Pin Up ladies – SINderella Rockafella and Bettina Scarlett.

Here are a few of my favourite items:

Aren’t their products adorable?! Do leave the lovely Bubblegum Vegas some love and be sure to check out their website and their Facebook page. Do check out the rest of the photos – it’s definitely worth it, especially for the poodles!


Jewellery – Bubblegum Vegas
HMUA – The Vanity Box
Models – SINderella Rockafella and Bettina Scarlett
Photographer – Paul De Ath
Leopard swimsuit – Lady K Loves
Red dress – OuterLimitz
Floral dress – Bernie Dexter Clothing