Tag Archives: tattoo

The Turquoise & Red Two Day Tattooed Wedding – Clint & Rae [The Tattooed Bride Blog]

These next two weeks on Marry Me Ink I will be featuring the wedding of Clint and Rae that lasted over two days! When Mike of Allebach Photography got in contact with me with a link to this wedding – just seeing day one of their wedding was enough!

I’m going to hand straight over to Rae to tell you all about her experience of choosing her wedding dress – I totally love this story!

Rachael, I am so honored you guys are featuring the wedding 😉 it truly was the best two days of my life and an unforgettable experience!
I want to tell you the story of my tattoo from the day I picked the dress out..

Ok so the day I went to pick out my Wedding Gown…. I was very nervous. I knew I would find the one dress for me but I was nervous because this was the first time any of my family would see my half sleeve. I had just finished it about 2 weeks prior. I was ready though for weeks wearing long sleeved shirts I needed it to be seen!
My grandmother who I call “Gram” is a traditional Italian woman. I didn’t want to upset her on this momentous day.

So i try on the first dress… No one said a word about the tattoo..
Then the second dress…
Finally the third dress and I hear “That dress looks great with your tattoo” My grandmother picked the dress.

Not only was I so happy with her reaction (and relieved), I absolutely fell in love with the dress and knew it was the one. I saw a tear from my mother and mother in law and in that moment knew that all would be alright. They accepted my artwork because they love me and all that is me, including my new tattoo.

Later at my bachelorette party I explained to my mother the meaning behind the tattoo..

The ship reminds me of my Gram and Pop helping me to sail in life (also Pop was a Sailor in the service)… The Birds are my dad and sister helping me fly away… The water is Clint, my husband, constantly around me in motion… My mother the anchor in my life and the rose has a very special meaning to her, lastly me… The mermaid with big fake boobs surrounded by the people that have truly impacted my life forever.

My mother and I cried that night. Now feeling elated with the tattoo and my own diverse nature I could be proud of my decision.

The wedding was a success but the tattoo made it unique and definable.

I love the story behind the tattoo and doesn’t it look gorgeous?!! Do leave some love for Mike who let me use the images of Clint & Rae’s special day!
Be sure to head back on Thursday next week to hear and see what awesomeness happened on day two of their wedding celebrations!

A Retro, Tattooed Diner Shoot [Tattooed Bride Blog]

Welcome to 2012 on Marry Me Ink! I have been totally overwhelmed by all of your support & kind words about the blog. I couldn’t have done it without some special guys & gals that made 2011 so exciting and who are going to make 2012 for the site VERY exciting and VERY interesting! – STAY TUNED!

Of course, if it wasn’t for the fantastic weddings and inspiration shoots that arrive in my inbox, I couldn’t do it.
Therefore, I thank each & every one  of you that have submitted your work for me to feature on the site. 

Let me introduce you to Bethan of Haywood Jones Photography. I have two exciting things to show & tell this week from this lady.. This gorgeous shoot being the first of them! (You’ll have to head back on Saturday to see the second!)

When I first received mail from Bethan – it was to say that she loved my site, at the same time I was actually rifling through her galleries on her site and came across this styled shoot of Chi Chi Revolver in Brighton – one of my favourite places!

“The shoot was born from the idea of showing the beauty of tattooed brides! I just wanted the pics to be really simple and for the gorgeous girl to speak for herself.”

I think that Chi Chi looks absolutely fantastic! I love the retro feel of the diner, from the jukebox to the tall milkshakes!
I absolutely love everything about this shoot! The dress is cute and Chi Chi’s pincurls & tattoos are glorious! (I especially love her knuckle tattoos that spell out “Show Time”)

Do leave some love for this brilliantly styled shoot & be sure to head back Saturday morning for more exciting things from Bethan! – Rach.XX

(Previously featured on Rock n’ Roll Bride here)

An Ace, Naturally Tattooed Wedding – Stuart & Antonia [Tattooed Bride Blog]

Good evening! Today I bring you the wedding of Stuart & Antonia – A fabulous tattooed couple who celebrate in a Canterbury youth hostel! Emma Lucy contacted me with these images and they are so gorgeous!

Antonia made her own dress and it looks stunning and her string of pearls were made for her by Stuart’s Grandmother which were passed down to his Mother- such gorgeous colours that fits perfectly with her tattoos and the natural colour theme which they integrated throughout their day.

Here a few words about Stuart & Antonia’s day from Emma:

They put on a great party with the vibe of a house party (even had a big garden fire) where Stuart and their friends DJ’ed until the early hours and people kipped overnight in the dorms.

Slight hitch of the day – Stuart’s classic car broke down just as they were leaving the reception, I’ll never forget the sight of Antonia in her wedding dress and heels pushing the car through the centre of Canterbury! Unfortunately I would have caused a hazard if I had stopped to take a photo!”

This is one beautiful wedding! Do look through all the photos – it looks like such a fun day!
And their rings are epic! – Rach.XX
(Previously featured on Rock n’ Roll Bride here)

Marry Me Ink Competition Time!

Hello wonderful people! Today I bring exciting news!! This week Marry Me Ink has smashed some targets and as a celebration, I will be doing a PRIZE GIVE AWAY!!

That’s right! All together, there are FIVE prizes, therefore creating five lucky winners! Oh boy am I excited to share these prizes with you!

I want to thank all the lovely ladies for letting me gift my readers with such freakin’ awesome prizes!





Prize ONE

The Alternative Wedding Fair
have kindly donated a pair of tickets to one their upcoming events in either London or Manchester, depending on where you are based and where you are willing to travel to.
I visited the last one in St Ives and it was fabulous. It was so much fun and I got to meet some fabulous suppliers! 

Prize TWO

ONE gorgeous hair clip hand made by Kylie of Funky I Do wedding blog. In lovely red and green colours – PERFECT for the festivities of the season and would also be perfect heading up to Valentine’s Day!! 


You see THAT hair bow head band that Anissa Lee hand crafted for the Marry Me Ink – Tattooed Bride photo shoot in Afflecks Palace?!! WELL – She is donating it for one of the prizes.. Seriously – Anissa work is all hand crafted from paper and card – she did a fantastic job of making this for the shoot.. I really wanted to keep it!!

Prize FOUR

An absolutely STUNNING alternative arrangement from Alternative Boukay. The create bouquets from fabrics, beadings and shells – the picture above being from their “Summer Breeze” collection. This prize would be greatly suited for the bride wanting that extra unique touch on their special day. (T&C’s – Wedding must be at LEAST 8-10 weeks away, limited use of platinum features are included in the prize. Shells are the only materials excluded in the prize give away. Winner must contact Alternative Boukay to claim prizewithin ONE WEEK of winning.)

Prize FIVE

OKAY! So you’re wondering what the last prize is?!! Ahhh! I’m so excited to be giving this away!!
Nic of Songbird Tattoo Studio has been SO generous to donate this prize for the give away.. Are you ready?!!

Nic has donated a voucher equal to the cost of ONE HOUR’S worth of inking!! YES – A FREE TATTOO!
Nic and her husband Mike had their wedding featured on the site when it first launched and it’s been great to have them involved again at such an exciting time! You can see examples of Nic’s work here & and all over Mike’s arms on their wedding photos I posted. Below are the terms and conditions of the tattoo prize.. 

Woo! I think that ALL of these prizes are worth grabbing and I can’t thank the suppliers enough for their generosity!
If only I could keep them all to myself!!

Any how – here are the details on how to enter for a chance to win one of these prizes (Yes 5 separate draws for each separate prize!)

1. Send an email to marrymeink@gmail.com
2. In the subject line, state “December Give Away”  and add which prize(s) you would like to be entered into for winning.. For example: “Prizes ONE, TWO, FOUR” Or “ALL PRIZES” if you would like the chance to win ONE OF ALL FIVE.
3. In the email – state you full name.
4. HIT SEND!!!!
5. Competition will close FRIDAY 23rd DECEMBER and winners will be selected at random and then notified by myself by SATURDAY 24th DECEMBER 6pm.

It really is that simple! 


Good luck to you all! – Rach.XX