Today’s wedding features two gorgeous tattooed brides Ashley and Alyssa. The day involved a helicopter entrance at the American Helicopter Museum, a bride in a tux and an amazing 1920s vibe, captured by the awesome BG Productions – an epic husband and wife team based in Philadelphia. Plus – What’s more awesome than pizza and donuts at a wedding?!

We went to different schools in the same neighborhood. We both noticed each other around town, but it wasn’t that hard to spot each other since neither of us shied away from bizarre and out of the ordinary styles. Eventually we were introduced by mutual friends. We dated for a few months but broke up after a misunderstanding and didn’t talk for about a year. Finally Ashley sent me a email saying she wanted to see me, she claims she couldn’t stay away any longer. Our first time seeing each other we went to Philadelphia for the 4th of July fireworks and she held me while we watched. We have been inseparable and completely in love since then. We see the fireworks every 4th of July since that first time Almost 9 years ago. Last year she proposed to me under the fireworks. It was really surreal.

Alyssa – I mean I came in on a helicopter and that probably should have been the highlight… But as soon as I got to the end of the isle and looked up to see my gorgeous wife waiting for me, the helicopter was quickly forgotten. I knew she said she was wearing a tux. But I didn’t have any idea what it was going to look like. Honestly I thought it was going to be frumpy. But it wasn’t she looked like such a rockstar. The rest of the day went really fast. But when I think back thats all I remember is her standing waiting for me.
Ashley – So this is kind of cliche but the truth is the walk down the isle is the first thing I think of every time the wedding comes into my head. I am never super impressed by wedding dresses, to me they are overpriced white dresses, but deep down, I knew that Alyssa was going to pull something spectacular out. We were never going for the traditional aspect in our wedding but one tradition I wanted to keep in tact was to not see my wife until she walked to me down the isle. I wouldn’t change that image for anything in the world now. I have truly never seen her look so beautiful and I have never seen a wedding dress I have loved more. Her jewelry made her sparkle like a diamond and her eyes were so calm and almost crimson in color (I am not really sure how she pulled that off). I have never been so overwhelmed by her beauty. There may have been a tear or two..

“Everything about our wedding was unique to us. We didn’t put anything in because it was supposed to be there, we put it there because we love it.”
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