Today on Swamps’ posts..
I’m excited for today’s post – I love me some paper goods. I’ll hand straight over to her now!
Why hello guys. I hope you are enjoying the start of our lovely British summertime. If some of you have been as lucky as me and Matt Bee you will have had some of the most beaut weather over the last couple of weeks. I’m L.O.V.I.N.G it! We have also decided to buy a bigger house so we are all full of excitement. We are also obviously slightly mentally insane as I do believe planning a wedding and moving house are (apparently) two of the most stressful things you do in your life time, and we will be doing both in the next 3 and a half months.
Yes, Gasp, its 3 and a half months until the wedding. 14 weeks. 102 days, 18 hours and 10 minutes to be precise. T’s and C’s clause: This only applies whilst I’m writing this, and by the time you read this we may even be down to double figures. Eeeeeek!
So May has brought some military style wedding planning. We went to our penultimate meeting with our wedding co-ordinator. As I said when I very first started writing my blog for you lovely lot I feel excited but I also feel incredibly nervous. This is only getting worse the closer we get. In the car on the way I literally forgot how to breathe which ended up with my hyperventilating. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a paper bag in sight so I just had to ride it out! I genuinely think I’m going to have to go and see my doctor and get him to prescribe me something that will make me feel all floaty and fluffy for the big day, otherwise I might never make it down the isle. That would be seriously mean on Matt Bee. Failing that, one of my bridesmaids normally has a handbag full of what she calls ‘painkillers’. I however, do not believe they’re ‘painkillers’ for a moment and have seen how majorly chilled out she is when she takes them, so ill have what ever she’s having!
The meeting consisted of some seriously precise planning. I now know which order my bridesmaids will enter the building in. It’s just a shame that I don’t really care! I struggle to see the relevance of why this is remotely important but I guess ‘normal’ brides may be bothered by it. I’m too busy worrying about remembering to breathe so I don’t embarrassingly pass out in front of all of my friends and fam.
So, let’s get down to business. I have been waiting for this months post for aggggeeeeeeeees. As you all know Matt Bee is a super talented artist. He is an illustrator if we are being technical and a bloomin’ good one too. This leaves us in a very fortunate position from a wedding stationary point of view. We started with our save the dates. I swear ‘Save the Dates’ never existed before the last couple of years. They seem to have become super trendy. From a planning point of view they do come in handy though. It buys you loads more time in which to actually pull your finger out and get your real invites out. People won’t book holidays and the likes so you can be more certain you lucky ‘chosen ones’ will be able to attend.
We decided quite early on that we wanted our theme to have a natural feel. Being the chilled out wedding planners that we are we decided not to really have colour scheme. Controversial I know. With this in mind we decided that we would bind the lack of theme together with things like brown paper and natural coloured string to give it some sort of connection throughout the day.
To be honest I never even spoke to Matt Bee about what I had in mind. It was kind of his ‘baby’ so I just gave him the driving seat and sat back and watched loads of ‘Made in Chelsea’, also controversial I know ha! I am just obsessed with awkward silences and ultimate poshness. This means I fully can’t take any credit what so ever for his amazing handy work. He came up with this for our save the date..

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