Tag Archives: Peter Aurisch

TATTOO TUESDAY: 13th November 2012 [UK Tattoo Blog]

Good morning!
Who here loves their television series? I know I do! Out the many that I watch, I have a little soft spot for Boardwalk Empire – Another fantastic HBO series.


Boardwalk Empire is based in Atlantic City, New Jersey during the prohibition of the 1920s and 1930s. Leading character, Enoch “Nucky” Thompson, (played by the fantastic Steve Buscemi) is a political figure and the series is based around all the goings on during this era – mobsters, politicians and showgirls included. Bowardwalk Empire is currently half way through it’s third season and continues to get better and better by the episode. Serisouly – did you SEE last week’s episode?


Therefore, in celebration to how well Boardwalk Empire is doing this season, I came across this last week and thought I would share the fantastic work of Peter Aurisch in Germany. This guy’s work is like he’s creating a graphic novel – I love it!

How freaking cool is this?!! Amazing!

Be sure to head back this evening for a seasonal edition of Essences!