Tag Archives: Swamps Posts

SWAMPS’ POSTS: Sagas Of A Tattooed Bride – May

Happy May! How are we enjoying the glorious May sunshine?

As it’s May, it’s time to get straight in a see what Swamps has been planning so far! And here she is and it’s all about the hair & make-up! 

“So, April turned out to be a busy month for us on the wedding front. It has been SUPER exciting actually!”

We have done our invites which I can’t WAIT to show you! But being as they haven’t gone out to our guests yet I thought I would save them for next month. Sorry to keep you all waiting, but I promise you they’re super cute! It’ll be worth the wait.

One of the things we have done this month which has been MAJORLY stressing me out was the Mother of the Bride outfit. Who ever tells you finding your wedding dress is stressful, IGNORE THEM! That part was easy peasy in comparison to finding something your mum will like, well it was when it came to my mum. The bridal shops often assume that as a Mother of the Bride you’re like 110. We found everything was very old fashioned. After about 3 months of internet searching, and then a days shopping in good old Birmingham, we managed to try on about 60 dresses and came out with one that was FINALLY suitable. Lovely she looks in it too. 

Sooooo, once that drama was out of the way I got to focus on the Hair and Beauty side to my wedding. Now this I was super excited about. If you follow me on any form of social networking site you will know that I have a teeny weeny MASSIVE obsession with hair. You may have also noticed this from the pictures I include in each months blog that I have a different hair style every month. I am a girl obsessed! I think you can totally change the way you look with a hairstyle. Due to my completely overwhelming obsession with hair this was a major concern of mine.

I began my search for wedding styles on Pinterest, as you do! If you just google wedding hair you come out with some horrendous ringlet filled up do. There was absolutely NO way that I was going to allow someone to do that to me on my wedding day. I started by looking at some boho, messy styles. I L.O.V.E.D this one.

May - boho hair 1Source

It was Messy, which was a must – Neat is SO 1990s. I liked the uppy downyness of the style. Yes, I am aware I am fully making up words here but you get the picture. I also fell in love with the little floral head piece. My quest to make my hair look nice with the right headpiece was also a consideration of mine as I was searching.

As much as I loved this one I knew that the bits that were down at the front would drive me absolutely bananas if they were flapping around in my face all day so I knew that I needed something that was a bit more up than down. So next I found this little beauty. Continue reading

SWAMPS’ POSTS: Sagas Of A Tattooed Bride – April

april meOh isn’t Swamps gorgeous? I’m dying to see her all in her dress – Not so long now! I’ll hand straight over to her today where it’s all about..

Decorations & Decor

Hello you bunch of lovelies. I hope you have all had a super lovely Easter and the Easter Bunny brought you LOADS of chocolaty goodness. I, however, am now ALL SYSTEMS GO on the wedding bod’ and therefore the most exciting thing I shall be eating will be a banana for energy before ‘pumping some iron’ down the gymio! Yawnnnn! I also hope that your fellow fiancés have not played any horrible April fools jokes on you that is making you reconsider marrying them. This may seem a little extreme I appreciate, however, the year Matt pretended my car had been stolen was not AT ALL funny. Frankly he is lucky to not have been charged with wasting police time when I very nearly called 999!!! Naughty boy.

So I am sure all of you fellow brides will be able to relate to me when I say there is a definite wedding lull after the initial excitement of getting engaged and starting your preparations. You start looking for venues and you think “oh em gee, I’m going to be sooooo busy!” purely based on how stressful people say the experience is.  Then this is followed by giving your notice of marriage, which I feel I shouldn’t brush over too lightly. We had heard that it was a rather nerve racking ordeal. My understanding was that the only two circumstances where we would have a problem would be if Matt was in fact a sibling of mine, which would be the only time I would condone the phrase “the awkward moment when…” or if either of us were already married, which I was fairly certain we weren’t  You’ll be glad to hear this was confirmed at the meeting along with us not marrying to gain British citizenship…Phew!! Matt spent the half an hour before our appointment quizzing up on me and everything relating to me. This extended to what my favourite food was. Alas, they weren’t looking for that kind of detail. We did have a small discrepancy on what each others job titles were, but the nice lady decided to give us the benefit of the doubt. Who REALLY knows what their partner actually does, pfft! (Most people do I know haha). Apologies, I digress, where was I… Oh yes, being totally bored of having nothing wedding related to plan. So in the quieter weeks where I had nothing to do I spend this time cramming my head full of lots of wedding inspiration. This is what I will grace Rachael’s lovely blog with this week. 

Once I had chosen my dress my next source of wedding excitement was my accessories to the day. I am hoping that my accessories issue will compliment Rebekah’s ‘Accessories Ahoy!’ post and help you pull a few more ideas to the table for your own super lovely wedding’s. I too share her love of all things moustache. It’s a rather unexplainable and irrational adoration, but I know that we are not alone. Matt Bee has had THE most magnificent moustache when I met him.

2013-04-11_0001He has continued to surprise me with his fine array of facial hair throughout our relationship. He’s like a facial hair chameleon, never a dull day without a whisker related surprise!  Continue reading

SWAMPS’ POSTS: Sagas Of A Tattoed Bride – March

It’s that time again, to get the juicy info from Marry Me Ink reader and bride-to-be Swamps! 

me (March)February’s installment was all about feeling like a princess when choosing her wedding dress, today it’s all about..


Hello lovely people, so glad that it’s blog time again. I hope you have all had a super romantic February. I spent my Valentines Day with Mr Bee (of course). We filled our faces with LOTS of Italian food, which is my absolute fave. There was a set menu with inclusive cocktails, and as Matt Bee doesn’t drink I drank them alllllllssss, which in my books is only ever going to be a good thing.


So onto this months feature..

I changed my mind a couple of times as to what I wanted this months post to be about, so after much deliberation I fell back on the order that I started to plan my wedding in. Continue reading

SWAMPS’ POSTS: Sagas Of A Tattooed Bride – February

Today I get to welcome back Swamps, who has been on the hunt to find the perfect wedding dress!

I’ll hand straight over!

swampsWell, it’s that time again ladies (and gents, lets not rule anybody out) and I have been a bit stuck about what I should make my February post about. So as I sit here in my onesie, mounds of cats in tow and somewhat distracted by the snow outside and our newest additions to the family – the skinny pigs (they’re bald guinea pigs for those of you wondering), I begin by racking my (little) brains about what it was that I first thought about when I first got engaged. I figured it would make sense to write about the things I was most excited about when planning my wedding. So with this in mind February’s post will be all about the all important dress hunting, and very important it was too if not completely exhausting.

As a girl that dresses are relatively foreign to I was really nervous about wearing a big frock. My first port of call was to ask Matt Bee if it would be acceptable for us to have a fancy dress wedding. I figured if everyone was dressed up like idiots I would feel like less of a spectacle. Although he has an entire cupboard for dressing up he quickly decided our ‘Granny’ outfits wouldn’t really be suitable for our wedding day. Sadface. Continue reading