Tag Archives: Warehouse Wedding

A Gold & Glittery Warehouse Wedding With Matching Glasses – Megan & Steve

I have been DYING to share this wedding on Marry Me Ink for some time from Savannah Lauren Photography – Megan never wore contacts and wasn’t going to start to on her wedding day so she decided to purchase her beautiful gold glasses that matched her dress perfectly and I’m in love.

Steve and I met in our High School Art Class! I was a Freshman and he was a Senior. I had a HUGE crush on him! We didn’t end up getting together then, but I never stopped thinking about him. We reconnected on Facebook 10+ years later and had our first real date. We’ve been together ever since!

Steve proposed to me a DIY way! He’s a screenprinter and has a studio in our home. He created an art print of a bouquet of flowers that he knew I would love and used it to propose. One day he was finishing up the final color on the print and he asked me to come help him. I had already helped him with some of the printing so I wasn’t expecting him to propose… I printed the last color and when I lifted the screen there was a different version that said “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” on it! I jumped and screamed and immediately said yes! In order to trick me, he printed 100 versions without the text so we gave them out as wedding favors/keepsakes.

Oh man! There are so many highlights! I absolutely loved everything about our wedding day. So, I’ll give you my top three:

1. First look – because it was so special! We were both so anxious/excited to see each other and it was so nice to spend some time alone before the ceremony began.
2. Ceremony/Vows – We wrote our entire ceremony from beginning to end.  Steve and I are not your traditional couple and didn’t want a traditional ceremony. The ceremony was filled with words that meant something to both of us. We also wrote our own vows that were incredibly personal. I will never forget those moments.
3. Dancing – Steve and I don’t dance. In fact, we even contemplated not having a DJ or including any dancing in our wedding at all! We eventually decided that it would be nice to have the dancing for our guests, but I’m pretty sure that he and I ended up having the most fun. We danced the night away with our family and friends! Also, Steve showed us all up with his incredibly sweet dance moves. Specifically, the finger guns.

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