So last weekend marked the 6th Tattoo Tea Party at Manchester’s Event City where Legend Bridal and I launched The Tattooed Wedding Collective and had with us some amazing suppliers who we loved getting to now over the course of the weekend after only ever speaking online.

After stamping 100 bags and filling them with goodies each morning, it was great to meet some awesome people over the weekend including some of you that are planning your own tattooed wedding! The epic ZT Photography joined us over the weekend and took the models and myself for a mini shoot by the dodgems on the last day – We had so much fun!
Debbie Gillespie Cake Design
As well as Debbie’s show stopping cakes, we also had Paragon Floral Design with us over the weekend and their eye catching area – complete with flying crows. They certainly attracted the majority of the visitors to our corner.
Paragon Floral Design
We also had Unity Ceremonies with us who, on their stand, had a beautiful example of one the weddings Liz had been a part of.
Unity Civil Celebrancy
We also had the delight of having Art for Soles customised shoes with us too – Complete with Harry Potter and Walking Dead shoes and bags!
Art For Soles Customised Shoes
There were also beautiful tweed and glittery bows and perfect accessories for your pretty little head from Fruit Bat Textiles too – So much so, Zoe wore one all weekend!
Fruit Bat Textiles – ZT Photography
And keeping our models looking pristine all weekend, we had the fabulous Kokino Hair and award winning bridal make up artist Sonara Parker on hand all weekend creating plenty of looks to match the dresses.
Kokino Hair
Thanks for following all the Facebook live videos from the weekend and the Instagram stories – See you next year? Continue reading →